Jon is a Full-Stack Lean Software Coach with over twenty years of industry experience. His professional mission is to help people make software cheaper to change.
You wouldn’t know it to look at him now, but coding used to be a drag for Jon. It wasn’t until he began using modern practices that it came to life for him. Practices like ensemble programming, test-driven development, and daily collaboration with stakeholders.
With most of his time spent in consulting, Jon has worked with companies in a broad range of industries:
Food Service • Legal • Automotive • Manufacturing • Healthcare • Intermodal Transportation • Home Improvement Retail • Architecture & Engineering • Education • Apparel • Fire Detection
He’s helped these companies improve quality and predictability from their code outward. He is an expert at introducing techniques like microtesting and continuous delivery. And he will help you tame that legacy code.
Beyond the code, he is also a strong proponent of Lean Product Management and Systems Thinking. He has strong facilitation and team leadership skills, and deep experience designing learning experiences and materials.
Jon has been a regular speaker at software conferences in the midwest United States since 2015. For a healthy close-up of his current professional thinking, check out his lightning talk, “Here’s why ‘Agile’ isn’t working for you”, or “Make TDD Make Sense” for a more technical session.
In his copious spare moments, Jon has also managed to teach a course on (what else?) Modern Agile Software Development at Purdue University, to write and record a few albums as a rock multi-instrumentalist, and to enjoy today and make tomorrow easier with his beautiful family in Indiana.
What's wrong with this picture?
Agility can only begin after you and your team lose faith.
Here are mine.
This question came to me from a senior engineer. Here is how I answered.
So many things improve when you stop fussing about what should be and embrace what actually is. A...
Quick doesn't always sound like it is.
What is the simplest...