
Built by developers for developers, our eLearning enables you to thoroughly improve your software skills.

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Great training ought to inspire and change you. We regularly hear developers say, "Your eLearning changed my career." It's music to our ears.

Improve your programming skills with lifetime access to interactive quizzes, captioned videos, challenging exercises, personalized critiques, and an unrivaled Q+A forum with experts.

eLearning Albums

Training Options

We offer a variety of training options because people learn differently :

Self Directed

Our self-directed option is perfect for individuals who are comfortable learning solo via our interactive quizzes, challenging exercises, engaging videos, and vibrant Q+A forum.

Guided Learning

Our guided learning option is best for groups of people who benefit from regular lessons and review from a live, online instructor, along with eLearning content to help acquire critical skills.


Our enterprise option is perfect for larger organizations that want to scale training via our customized eLearning catalog, rollout strategies, usage reports, and bulk pricing.

Training Options

We offer a variety of training options because people learn differently :

Self Directed
Our self-directed option is perfect for individuals who are comfortable learning solo via our interactive quizzes, challenging exercises, engaging videos, and vibrant Q+A forum.
Guided Learning
Our guided learning option is best for groups of people who benefit from regular lessons and review from a live, online instructor, along with eLearning content to help acquire critical skills.
Our enterprise option is perfect for larger organizations that want to scale training via our customized eLearning catalog, rollout strategies, usage reports, and bulk pricing.

How Our Coaching Helps


Study charts of your performances and see your skills improve.


Ask your questions to technical experts and get prompt responses.


Learn how to microtest, refactor and test-drive your code like an expert.


Recognize poor designs in code and improve them safely.

Visualizing Your Work

Track Your Performance

Our TDD and Refactoring critiques visualize your programming performances, showing you what states you were in (failing tests, passing tests, etc.), refactorings you implemented, compilation errors you received, and the duration of your performances.

How You Scored

Get scores on your performances, with detailed feedback about what you got right and insights about what you could improve.

Access To Experts

Access to Experts

Let us answer your questions. Use our Question + Answer forum to get answers from our deeply experienced practitioners. They respond promptly and are always happy to help.