UX for Product Development Teams

The User Experience Design workshop introduces participants to foundational concepts of user-centered design. This includes the design process, user journey mapping, and usability testing.

Products that leverage user experience achieve better results. In the world of cross-functional teams, everyone needs baseline knowledge about how to apply UX in an agile environment.

The User Experience Design workshop introduces participants to foundational concepts of user-centered design. This includes the design process, user journey mapping, and usability testing. Participants will come away from this workshop equipped with practical tools and processes to research and address the needs and pain points of customers.
This course is specifically designed for anyone on a product team that cares about creating products for people.
UX for Product Development Teams

Workshop Editions

Our online version of this workshop takes place over 6, 3-hour sessions. We can customize this schedule to best meet your needs. Here are the main topics you will learn:
  • Types of “UX” including research, interaction , visualization, and overarching experience
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Design Thinking, including Build Measure Learn and Double Diamond models
  • Introduction to MVPs, MLPs, and other M’s
  • Understanding your user(s): Markets, Customers, & Personas
  • Crafting Experiences: Journey Mapping, Empathy Mapping, & User Story Mapping
  • Experiment Driven Development: MVPs and User Story Mapping
  • Setting up a Cadence for Feedback: stakeholders and customers
  • Vision and Alignment
  • Planning for the How: Incorporating Domain Driven Design Techniques
Here is a typical 3-day agenda. We can customize this agenda to best meet your needs.
  • Types of “UX” including research, interaction, visualization, and overarching experience
  • Roles and responsibilities
  • Design Thinking, including Build Measure Learn and Double Diamond models
  • Introduction to MVPs, MLPs, and other M’s
  • Understanding your user(s): Markets, Customers, & Personas
  • Crafting Experiences: Journey Mapping, Empathy Mapping, & User Story Mapping
  • Vision & Alignment
  • Experiment Driven Development: MVPs and User Story Mapping
  • Planning for the How: Incorporating Domain Driven Design techniques
  • Setting up a Cadence for Feedback: stakeholders and customers

What Will You Learn?


The Types of UX and their function


How UX fits within the Product Development Lifecycle


Three techniques for Hypothesis Driven Design


Effective MVP and User Story Mapping


Bridging Design and Development via Experimentation


Creating feedback loops for Customers and Stakeholders