A key enabler of high-performance is a culture of psychological safety. It is an atmosphere in which people fearlessly engage, question, experiment, and deliver value rather than fearing, blaming, and spending time protecting themselves.

When psychological safety is present, individuals feel safe being vulnerable, taking risks, making mistakes and handling conflict. So who is responsible for creating such safety? All of us! When we model and cultivate psychological safety, we enable greater transparency, closer relationships, improved collaboration, and better outcomes.

In this interactive workshop, you'll develop skills for growing psychological safety in yourself, your teams, and your organization.
Primary: Anyone involved in working with others in a team.

Secondary: Anyone interested in what is required for high-performance teams.
Psychological Safety Workshop

Workshop Editions

The virtual version of this workshop is over four weeks. Each week there are two sessions, one 2 hour session in which new concepts are introduced and a 90 minute applied learning session to close the week. Between sessions, participants complete assignments to apply new skills to improve their workplace. Participants have access to an Industrial Logic forum where coaches help participants apply the skills. Expect to spend 2-5 hours per week learning and applying, including the class time.
  • What is Psychological Safety and why is it so important?
  • Understand radical candor vs ruinous empathy.
  • Practice giving radical candor and ways to invite and make it easier for others to give you radical candor.
  • How Safety Grows: From Self to Culture
  • Learn about the four horsemen and how they unwittingly undermine feedback.
  • The Temporary Safety of Silence
  • The Risks of Speaking Up
  • Breaking the Silence
  • Breaking Cycles of Mistrust
  • Inclusion Safety (Inclusion and diversity dimension)
  • Learner Safety (Failure ad risk dimension)
  • Contributor Safety (Willingness to help dimension)
  • Challenger Safety (Openness to conversation dimension)
  • Introduction to The Responsibility Process(tm)
  • Modeling Behaviors that Unleash Organizational Effectiveness
  • Understanding the Psychology of Employee Engagement
Here is a typical 1-day agenda. We can customize this agenda to best meet your needs.
  • What Is Psychological Safety?
  • Silence Vs. Voice
  • The Four Horsemen
  • Breaking Cycles of Mistrust
  • Understanding and Practicing Radical Candor
  • The Four Stages of Psychological Safety
  • Taking Responsibility

What Will You Learn?


Learn what psychological safety is (and what it isn’t)


Dynamic exercises around responsibility and conflict


The power and impact of both voice and silence (and when to access both)


4 distinct and measurable areas of psychological safety


How to start doing the work to change yourself and influence your organization


Communication tools around how to approach issues of safety with senior leadership