Jeff is a software developer, coach, and trainer with four decades of experience. He’s recognized as the author of five books on software development: Modern C++ Programming with TDD, Pragmatic Unit Testing in Java 8, Agile in a Flash (with Tim Ottinger), Agile Java, and Essential Java Style. Jeff wrote two chapters in Robert C. Martin’s best-selling book Clean Code. And with Tim Ottinger (again), Jeff co-wrote the “Agile Tools” chapter in Martin’s 2019 book Clean Agile.
He is on the technical advisory board for The Pragmatic Bookshelf.
Jeff has written 100+ articles that appear in publications including PragPub, Medium, Software Development magazine (now part of Dr. Dobbs),, Ron Jeffries’ site,,, and C/C++ Users Journal. Jeff has spoken at numerous user groups and conferences, including Agile, OOPSLA, SD East, AgileDC, Agile DevOps, Agile Developers Conference, Mile High Agile, Cingular Wave, and the World Congress for Business Analysts. He also provided the keynote for the first-ever technical conference at Marion Correctional Institute.
Jeff has considerable experience in JavaScript, Java, Clojure, C#/.NET, large scale C++, object-oriented design, test-driven development (TDD), behavior-driven development (BDD), agile software development, and extreme programming (XP). He has supplied expertise for customers in a broad array of industries, including finance, government, insurance, manufacturing, religion, research, retail, software, telecommunications, and transportation. He’s helped design and develop many successful systems, ranging in size from one-week deployed efforts to multi-million-LOC systems.
Jeff has helped and trained countless development teams at dozens of companies.
Jeff lives in Colorado Springs, US with his wife. He keeps busy with singing & playing guitar, hiking, listening to music, playing disc golf, visiting breweries, hanging out in the mountains in the middle of nowhere, reading, watching movies, and playing poker.
Understand 6 top reasons that "bad" code is still being produced by teams.