Industrial iOS Development

Modern mobile iOS app development calls for modern development methods – and that's what sets this course apart.

In this course, we're going to get you coding and confident with the iOS platform. We'll teach you the tools and ecosystem needed to build modern mobile applications. But that's just the beginning.

Modern mobile app development calls for modern development methods – and that's what sets this course apart. You will learn and practice the techniques to deliver a quality mobile app with speed and safety. Techniques like automated testing, continuous delivery, and clean user interface architecture, all applied in the iOS environment.

We won't be reading this to you from a slide deck, either. You'll get your hands dirty building a real, store-ready iOS codebase. You’ll have engaging discussions with our instructors and your fellow learners. And we will tackle those store-ready iOS codebase problems together.
This workshop is designed for any level of iOS development experience. Exercises involve coding and will require some programming skill.
Industrial iOS Development

Workshop Editions

Our online version of this workshop takes place over 14, 120-minute sessions that span 7 weeks. We can customize this schedule to best meet your needs. Here are the main topics you will learn:
  • Customize Xcode
  • Get fast feedback from microtests
  • Recognize code smells
  • Refactor effectively
  • UIKit tables and navigation
  • Swift protocols
  • Pass information from one screen to the next
  • Test the delegate pattern
  • User interface patterns and MVVM
  • Decouple domain concerns from implementation details
  • Asynchronous programming
  • How to manage code that resists testing
  • Work with REST APIs
  • Send requests, handle responses
  • Fakes and mocks
  • User action flow of control
  • Refine object responsibilities
  • Different kinds of testing
  • Gradual cutover from UIKit to SwiftUI
  • Avoid big-bang changes
  • Microtests as a safety net
  • Find the essence of a feature
  • Evolutionary design and thin slicing
  • Solidify what we have learned
  • Taking it all with you into your work
Here is a typical 4-day agenda. We can customize this agenda to best meet your needs:
  • Get Started Right:
  •  Customize Xcode
  •  Get fast feedback from microtests
  •  Recognize code smells
  •  Refactor effectively
  • Let’s Navigate:
  •  UIKit tables and navigation
  •  Swift protocols
  •  Pass information from one screen to the next
  •  Test the delegate pattern
  • View Models:
  •  User interface patterns and MVVM
  •  Decouple domain concerns from implementation details
  •  Asynchronous programming
  •  How to manage code that resists testing
  • Networking:
  •  Work with REST APIs
  •  Send requests, handle responses
  •  Fakes and mocks
  • Call API from Button Tap:
  •  User action flow of control
  •  Refine object responsibilities
  •  Different kinds of testing
  • Refactor to SwiftUI:
  •  Gradual cutover from UIKit to SwiftUI
  •  Avoid big-bang changes
  •  Microtests as a safety net
  • Story Slicing:
  •  Find the essence of a feature
  •  Evolutionary design and thin slicing
  •  Solidify what we have learned
  •  Taking it all with you into your work

What Will You Learn?


Configure your environment for rapid feedback


User interface patterns that scale


UIKit to SwiftUI migration strategies you can apply gradually


Microtesting, to develop quickly and keep your apps safe


Refactoring moves that leave your code better, so you can add features faster


Slicing, to evolve your app without wasting time building the wrong thing

Meet The Instructor