We are constantly updating the agenda below with the best papers we can find from the design patterns community and its growing body of literature. Members of this study group also regularly give presentations about how they use patterns and about how patterns are a big art of the software they have come to know. Please note that this agenda is subject to change; consult it each week to make sure you are studying the right pattern language.

October 13
Reading and Discussion of Martin Fowler's paper Dealing With Roles
October 20
Reading and Discussion of Gerard Meszaros's paper Archi-Patterns
October 27
Reading and Discussion of Martin Fowler's work on Refactoring
November 3
Reading and Discussion of a design pattern called The Role Object
November 10
Reading and Discussion of a pattern language called Client/Server Architectures for Business Information Systems
November 17
Reading and Discussion of the first 25 pages of Error Handling, a pattern language

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