Industrial Logic -> Design Patterns Study Group -> The AP Group

The Analysis Patterns Group

Next Meeting: See Agenda Below
    Location: Space Untitled
        Time: 7:00 - 9:00 PM
   Questions? email Ari or Joshua

The Analysis Cycle Begins...

The AP Group, the latest group to form within the DPSG, is devoted to the study of analysis patterns from Martin Fowler's book, Analysis Patterns: Reusable Object Models.

Like all groups within the DPSG, this group meets weekly to study and master analysis patterns.

When the group finishes studying Martin's book, the cycle will repeat so that others in the community may have a chance to study this important book.

This study group could be more appropriately entitled, "Transitioning from Developer to Architect". But for now, the book itself will be the focal point of the study. Analysis Patterns proposes to give you 'instant knowledge' of expert modeling techniques, by providing templates for building actual models. Analysis Patterns, therefore, should help make the transition much smoother and faster than by plodding through the normal process.

We will work our way through the book, extracting a clear and thorough understanding of the content. Along the way, we'll hash out examples and convert Fowler's models to UML (he actually requested that this be done!). By reinterpreting his models via the "standard" notation, some of the concepts he intended to convey may become clearer. We will provide Martin with continual feedback, and may even have him attend one of our meetings (and/or a post-meeting get-together at a local bar)!

We will also try to bring other issues of systems architecture into the discussions, such as transactioning, tiering, performance, costing, and all the other aspects of architecture that are outside of the scope of OO analysis. Additionally, a great deal of time will be spent finding the dividing line between analysis and design, trying to see where the architect's role ends and the developer's begins.

In reality, though, the full scope of the group is totally open to discussion. Everyone's input is requested, so that the study group will be relevant to all, and we will all stay motivated. In fact, at the second meeting we will decide on an actual agenda to follow. Hence, the 'agenda' below is only preliminary. Once we have a real agenda, we'll stick to it as much as possible, so as not to go off on tangents and lose focus. We will, however, modify it as we go, so please keep referring back to this page for the up-to-date schedule.

  Industrial Logic, Inc.
November 9
Forwards, Preface, and Introduction (Chapter 1)
This will provide us with a feel for the overall intent of the book, the author's style, and help you determine whether or not you really want to go through with this!
Question: How does one transition from developer to architect?
November 16
Introductions (initial sections) to each of the chapters;
Appendix A: Techniques and Notations

Martin recommends this approach, which give us a sense of the book's overall scope. At this meeting, we will decide (by consensus!) upon a real agenda for the remainder of the session. What follows below is merely one of many paths we can traverse. Everyone should skim over Appendix A, as his notation is, well, somewhat different from UML, Booch, or OMT. We will be redoing his models in UML, per his request, as we go through the chapters.
Question: What path should we take?
November 23
Trading: Chapter 9
November 30
Derivative Contracts: Chapter 10
December 7
Layered Architecture for Information Systems: Chapter 12
Note: Chapter 12 is actually required reading for Chapter 11
December 14
Trading Packages: Chapter 11
December 21
Application Facades: Chapter 13
December 28
January 4, 1999
January 11
Patterns for Type Model Design Templates: Chapter 14
January 18
Association Patterns: Chapter 15
January 25
Accountability: Chapter 2
February 1
Observations and Measurements: Chapter 3
February 8
Observations for Corporate Finance: Chapter 4
February 15
Referring to Objects: Chapter 5
February 22
Inventory and Accounting: Chapter 6
March 1
Using the Accounting Models: Chapter 7
March 8
Planning: Chapter 8
March 15
Afterward: Chapter 16
Review, Reflection, and Party!
Question: Where can we go from here?

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