{% include tab-row.html page='Code Katas' %}

Do you want to improve your programming skills?

The best way improve is through intentional practice with feedback!

Code katas are exercises you can try many times over, and they’re a great way to learn.

Industrial Logic’s Code Katas album is free, and it will let you practice TDD, refactoring, and other programming skills in Java or C#.

Exercises currently available:

  • Bowling Scores
  • Gilded Rose
  • FizzBuzz
  • Spreadsheet Numbering
  • Video Store
Register for free!
Album Cover
{% capture dialogTitle %} Register for Code Katas Album {% endcapture %} {% capture message %} Katas Album User Registration {% endcapture %} {% include message_only_contact_modal.html title=dialogTitle opportunity=message name="Industrial Logic" %}